9 o'clock
I slept until 9. No, seriously. I did. I was up several times with the kid, but my wonderful, adoring husband got up often with her as well, and with his magical Papa powers, put her back to sleep at 5 a.m. and she woke up at 9. Which means, I woke up at 9. The entire world is a different place when you wake up at 9 o'clock. All of a sudden, I am positive that today is the day I begin organizing plans to finish my album. I am sure I have time to bake some vegan-gluten free cookies for a gentleman at church who is on a specific diet that deprives him of such sweets. I have a new idea for a children's book, that obviously, is THE idea that will finally be published and will write the outline today. My kid's playing on her activity mat, cooing, and I know I just heard her say, "Ma". Though it's July, I am now convinced it's not too late to plant a garden, today, with the kid strapped to my back. I might even clip coupons from the paper. 9 o'clock is magic. Pure Magic.