All the Time
Sometimes I let my kid watch TV all morning so that I can remember what it feels like to think my own thoughts.
Sometimes I let her eat chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and for lunch because I know it won't take any work to get her to eat it.
Sometimes I forget to ask her if she has to use the potty. Or that she's in pull-ups that should be changed more frequently than diapers.
Sometimes I am awed by how easy it is to let everything go and coast, and just pray that she turns out ok in the end.
Sometimes Mamas get tired and hungry and lonely and complacent and lost.
But we're all doing the best we can with what we have.
We all want the best for our kids.
We all believe in hope and love and tea parties and football games and snuggles and bedtime books.
We just need to learn to support each other a little better.
All the time.
So, Mamas who have been up breastfeeding all night long with bags under your eyes and milk down your shirt, crying while watching Grey's Anatomy re-runs- you're doing an awesome job.
Mamas who are up all night long warming bottles and measuring formula and rocking back and forth until they think their arms will fall off- keep going. You're a great Mom.
Mamas who stay home with their littles and both love the time and loathe the draining feeling that comes with serving 24/7- you are a treasure.
Mamas who work to support their families and skip dinner so they can spend more time with their littles as soon as they get home- you are a strong and courageous example for your children.
Mamas who have to sacrifice to buy organic grapes or Cheez-its, or both- way to go. You're feeding your family. It's a tough job.
When you see a young Mama today, struggling with a stroller and a baby in an ergo and a frazzled expression, don't ask her about breast or bottle. Organic or K-Mart. Stay at home or work outside of the house. Just give her a hug if she'll let you, and tell her she's doing an awesome job. Because sometimes we don't make the best decisions, but we love our kids.
All the time.
And we should love each other the same.