And Then There was Hope
My kid has slept for the last three nights. Slept, slept. Like, for several consecutive hours at a time. My car should be out of the shop today and returned to it's rightful place in my driveway. I am attempting to put everything that will fit into the washing machine and clean it today. I'm considering selling my broken couches on craigslist. (Only one is broken, and only slightly so if you're interested:) I have paid some bills with money I didn't think we had. I have made a large pot of soup when I was certain the cupboard was bare. I read a little while my kid napped in my lap. I have had a good, strong cup of coffee. With cream. While it was still hot. But the biggest sign of hope is that I feel like I may, for the first time since pregnancy, sit back at the piano. I haven't wanted to do that for a long time.
Here's wishing you a hopeful Wednesday.