If I had written this post an hour ago, it would have read something like this:
My kid decided to wake up every hour, on the hour last night. I've stopped trying to figure out what keeps waking her and have come to the startling conclusion that she is slowly, attempting to torture and kill me. I wish I was joking. I will now have to monitor my phone calls and emails closely (as I am convinced she can read) and shred every piece of mail with my personal information. I cannot let her see me yawn as she will hone in on the first sign of weakness. Like a cougar. I cannot allow my eyes to close.....I cannot close my eyes.....I cannot close.......
That was an hour ago. I'm always a little dramatic before I've had a first cup of coffee. Or three. However, it was how I felt which I thought was best to share, as we've made this forum all about the honesty.