Coffee and Courage
A lot of things have happened in our lives in the last few months.
Rich has had a few vacation days in a row and we were able to reconnect with old friends, spend some quality time with just our little family and make some fairly large decisions we had been putting off.
We have a few changes coming the Shannon's way ( and no, it's not another little one, I certainly wouldn't be cryptic in telling you that news) that we are excited/terrified to live through, and then tell you all about it. But, we weren't that excited about them until last night.
Last night we were able to see friends we haven't seen in quite a long time. Although it wasn't for very long, it didn't need to be. Do you have friends like that? No matter how far away or how long it's been it's just as though you have always been together. Before we parted, they prayed for Rich and I over our lattes that we would feel the Freedom already given to us and Courage to stay and courage to go when we need to, in different aspects of our life together. I hope you have friends who pray for you. It makes a world of difference.
As I'm drinking my coffee this morning (black with honey, not quite the creamy Vanilla latte of last night-back on the wagon Mondays) I remembered this prayer of courage, this reminder that wherever we are, God is all we need and always enough and I am just so thankful that I get to live out this life with people we love, who love us, and who lovingly point us in the right direction when we don't really know where to go.
I hope this connection, this reminder will be linked to my cup of coffee for a while. Well, because I drink a lot of it. And I need to be reminded often.
And I'm praying for our friends, that they're blessed abundantly, that their hearts are full, that their joy abounds.