When you have a kid, all of a sudden everything seems more important. Like, there's an emphasis button on all decisions in life, even things you didn't think were very important before she showed up. Everything has new meaning; an opportunity to teach her something and a new found urgency to make sure that the things I want her to know are well established so that by the time she talks and walks in, oh, a few months, those things will be built into the fabric of our family. Food is one of them.
I know that may sound silly, but food is one of those things that has become terribly important to the Shannon family. Where it comes from, how it's grown, how it's prepared and who we eat it with are all things we think about on a regular basis. Food nourishes more than the body, as we've learned. It fosters community, communication and a sense of belonging. It also presents an opportunity to exercise our ability to help others by choosing to purchase it from local farmers or organizations that are dedicated to the health of the consumer and the livelihood of those who cultivated the produce.
Having a baby does wonders for your bank account. Like, drain it. In record time. Do you have any idea how many diapers one, little, six pound child goes through in 24 hours? For those of you yet to have children, I'll let the experience surprise you. For those of you with children, either laugh silently to yourself if that phase of child-rearing is over or raise a glass in solidarity- we're going through it together. This tends to make really clear what's important and what's not. Food is just something we aren't willing to compromise for the health of our family and our desire to foster and nurture others in community around the table. The french word, copain, means "buddy" or "close friend". However, it's literal meaning is "with bread". The French are so much smarter than us. They get it. You can't separate food from people. The people who eat it, the people who grow it and the people you share it with.
Ellie may not grow up with the trendiest jeans (unless they come from her fashionable Aunties) or the most expensive sneakers, but she will be well fed- both with food and the lessons it will provide around our family table.