Count it all Joy:
I'm in no mood for a list of things I'm thankful for. I've been having a strange allergic reaction to something environmental or internal that has resulted in an awesome rash around my neck and arms, and under my chin. Perfect. I had to to take Benedryl as soon as I woke up which caused me to drunkenly stumble into the kitchen to pour coffee down my throat while my kid's eyeballs are glued to Sofia the First.
Thank you, Disney. Thank you.
Buuuuut, I promised to try and count it all Joy for Lent. So, here it goes.
Last night as our little family snuggled in bed, Rich and I were chatting softly as Ellie tried to get our attention. We kept talking until we were finished before directing our attention to her. When we acknowledged her and asked what she wanted she rolled her eyes and said,
"I been calling you! You guys are toooooooooooooo in love."
We've been called worse, that's for sure:)
Hopefully this will always be the memory she has of her parents. Happy Monday.