Dryer Sheets are from the Devil, and other Tuesday Morning Thoughts
The mystery of the insanely itchy, bizarre rash is solved: Shoprite brand, fake lavender scented dryer sheets are the devil's work. I'm highly allergic. HIGHLY. Good to know.
I am tormented all day with plans for our garden this year since the daylight is stretching out into the later hours. Tormented. Snap peas or asparagus? Wild flowers or a potted meyer lemon?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I can't decide.
Rich and I have been fantasizing about moving to Portsmouth, NH. Ocean? Check. Lakes? Check. Mountains? Check. City? Check. Country? Check. Good schools? Check. Lower taxes? Check. Good breweries? Check, check. Only three and half hours away from family? Check. AHHHHHHHHH. I love my house, I love my family, I love my friends. But sometimes, we just want to high-tail it out of the good old tri-state area and find out what it might be like not to live under CONSTANT FINANCIAL PRESSURE AND ANXIETY AND BREATHE CLEAN AIR AND HAVE A BACKYARD THAT ACTUALLY HAS GRASS. You know?
I have already had four cups of coffee this morning and a nutritious breakfast of graham crackers and peanut butter. My kid has painted our television with her french toast.
I've devoured all of Carolyn Custis James' books in the last two weeks. I think she's a rockstar and I want to be her. Well, I want to be me. But smarter. Like her.
I'm having a serious identity crisis, which I'm blaming on my 31st birthday. Since, my 30th was wonderful and not terrifying at all, I think I saved up all anxiety about growing older for THIS birthday. What am I going to do with my life ?!?!?!?!?!
I've been asked more than three times in the last two weeks if I'd ever return to the classroom. Let me give you the unabridged version:
If sushi was offered to me for breakfast, I would eat it.
My daughter is tall and says things like, "A-fortunately" and is acting too much like a child instead of a baby and I'm actually not sure at all how I feel about it.
My count it all Joy thought today: I am sooooo thankful that I don't have to work until the afternoon so I can still sit in my pajamas at 9:50 am.