"Mama, YOU can't DO that!"
"Mama- I BOOOOO-tifoooolll!"
"Elmo? Elmo on? Elmo on NOWWWW? On TV? Elmo on TV????? PEEEEAAASSSEE????"
When I am doing something she dislikes:
"Where's Papa? Grammy? Grandma? Pop? Emmy? Ek? No Mama."
After blowing her nose:
"Ew. Goss."
While doing something she's proud of:
"See me? You see me? I color!"
When asked what her full name is:
"Eh-yee Gace. Shamon."
When asked her favorite color:
When trying to get her eat anything other than macaroni and cheese right now:
"Dis no noo-noo's, Mama."
When called pretty by a supermarket checker:
"No, I goooooo-geous!"
"Run! Run fast! You can' get me! Ha ha ha." (Yes, she actually articulates: Ha, ha, ha.)
Upon entering the Disney store:
"Wow. So boo-tiful. So many pincesses. I want it. Ok, Mama?"
Calls blueberries, "Bloopies".
I love my crazy girl.