Emily's in India! : The E&Co. Update
For those of you who don't know, my kid sister's in India. Yeah. Like, right now. She and her gentleman friend Eric are scouting out prospective business opportunities with Indian street vendors in Chennai. They've been there for three days so far, so I thought I'd share with you their progress so that you could pray for them as they go.
1. Em and Eric are staying with Pastor Daniel: a contact Em made while in India the last time, over 5 years ago. Pastor Daniel's an awesome dude, and also happens to have his own export business which proved to be pretty providential in E&Co.'s future. For some room and board and some contacts, Em and Eric are visiting Orphanages and Villages....some the same she had gone to last time. It's come full circle for Em- God gave her her heart in the very same orphanages and villages, and she has returned to the very same ones. Her promise was kept. She returned. And she returned with a plan. To not only grow her own business, but help those she loves establish theirs, carve out a living for their families, and further their education in the process. My sister always follows through on a promise.
2. Though Em's heartstrings are still stuck firm and fast in Chennai, her tummy doesn't always agree. She was pretty sick the first day and they have both been contending with Avenger-sized mosquitos- thank God for Malaria meds, or my Mom would have a heart attack. But, it's terribly hard to sleep when you're being dive-bombed by giant, blood sucking insects and they've been, for three days now, sleepless. It's hard to do business on no sleep- trust me, I know.
Em and Eric have a few more days left to finalize business ventures, and visit some more people. She has already made contact with the artisans she'll be exporting. She's super psyched. But, it has also been one of the hardest weeks she's had. When you really step out in faith to do something you're called to do, the devil pretty much hates it. Will you pray for them?
1. That they don't lose heart- that they can see the plan to the end, with the joy of knowing that God has called them both to something great!
2. For protection and health- pray that they can get some sleep!
3. That God uses this trip as a springboard for a successful business, that will help people all over the world!
4. That He would draw the two of them together, to help and pray for each other as they take this big step together!
Please share this with as many people as you can. Lift up my sister and Eric, tell as many people as possible about what she's trying to do. She's the bravest woman I know- it's where my kid gets it from.