Happy Hallowgivingmas
Is it just me, or does this time of year make you antsy, too? It seems there are so many holidays to look forward to, and in theory, they are far apart from each other by a month. But, consumer-driving Americans shove all of them together into one giant melting pot of fairy wings, pilgrim hats and red stockings. I have always hated that, but this year, I hate it especially. This will be my kid's first Halloween. First Thanksgiving. First Christmas. I don't want to rush any of them. I want to laugh at my kid in her skunk costume. Yup you heard me. She's going to be a skunk. Because it's funny and something I can show her first boyfriend when he comes to pick her up. Take pictures of her trying to eat a pumpkin. I want to enjoy watching her get passed around the table at Thanksgiving. Eating mashed potatoes with her fingers. I want to watch her eyes sparkle when Rich and I put up Christmas lights- she loves lights. Little red pajamas. Sticky candy cane residue on her chubby fingers. I don't want to be stressed out about burning the turkey. Wondering if guests will notice the dust on my ceiling fans. Finding the perfect gift for, well, everyone.
I am terrible at holiday gift giving. I'm not a great housekeeper at the moment. But these things are not the things she'll remember, or me for that matter. I want to remember her face as she sees things for the first time. Our joy of celebrating together, as a little family of three. I want her to think of this time as special; not commercial, stressful, or rushed.
How do you do it in your family? How do you give gifts, attend and throw parties, and celebrate families without going bananas?