In the last few weeks, I've cried
1. Baked pumpkin bread
2. Made apple sauce- a baby version and a grown-up version. One of them has butter. And brown sugar.
3. Got a head cold.
4. Got a worse head cold.
5. Stopped sleeping due to anxiety and lack of breathe-ability due to said head cold.
6. Gave head cold to husband who has not gotten sick since we were first married.
7. Stopped sleeping due to forcing said husband out of room in order to maintain health.
8. Infected baby.
9. Cried at the sad, drippy, snotty baby face.
10. Cried due to lack of sleep on all accounts.
11. Cried at being a terrible Mother. A crazy, control freak of a Mother.
12. Cried for no reason. No reason at all. Blamed it on hormones due to breastfeeding. This is not medically true. Used the excuse anyway.
13. Had a lovely dinner with some lovely ladies who politely ignored my sniffling. Due to head cold and excessive crying.
14. Woke in a panic at 5 a.m. because child did not awake at 1 and 4, like usual.
15. Shared celebratory gratitude with husband that baby finally, after three nights of terrible sleep training, learned how to sleep and stay asleep on her own.
16. Cried because even though she slept, I was still awake wondering why she wasn't waking up.
17. Checked bed to ensure that any awful suffocation scenarios playing over and over in my mind were false.
18. Cried to see that she was breathing just fine, and still sleeping peacefully.
19. Cried to husband because she is growing up too fast.
20. Husband suggests other children.
21. And the crying resumed.