My Advent, Day 1
I'm going to be brave and wear mixed prints sometimes, because I think it's fun.
I'm going to wear red lipstick first thing in the morning, before I even have my coffee so it can leave that pretty red ring around my white mug that looks like a rose in winter.
I'm going to snuggle with my daughter, cozy in my bed for an extra half hour watching the sun cast pinks and oranges on her blonde hair even if it means I'll have to skip a shower and breakfast before going to work and school.
I'm never going to shout in anger. My voice and intention are clear enough without frightening with volume.
I will limit my "no's" and my "not nows" and my "hurry ups". Goodness knows Mamas MUST say these things sometimes, but not more than our "yes's" and "I would love to do that with you's" and our "take your time's".
I will wake up and put my feet on the cold floor and hear the hiss of the radiator and be filled with gratitude for this old house. This roof. This shelter. The kiss of the shower. The hot cup of coffee.
I will know that home is wherever my people are.
I will not be afraid to put holes in the wall to hang things I love. To paint a table. To buy a dress in a color that I wouldn't normally wear. This house, this body was entrusted to me. I have the liberty to decide what to do with it.
I will not be afraid to love the messy or undefined. I will not be afraid to say, "I don't know". I will never hesitate to pray. To hold a hand. To stand beside. I am not afraid of what they might say.
I will cry tears of joy when my bank account shows 20.00, 100.00, 1,000.00 and and all variations in between. My God is the God of provision and He knows what I need. He has made 20.00 feel like thousands.
I will see every opportunity as a sweet reminder of God's unfailing love- not as an end to itself. I own nothing, I have nothing that is not His.
I'm going to go to work confidently, praying even now over the lives of children I know and have yet to meet and when I come home, I will be fully home; heart, mind, strength. This is a gift.
I am going to repeat that over and over again before I throw off the covers. Before I open my eyes. This is a gift. This life I have.
A beautiful gift filled with family and friend-family and grace and mercy and peace and Peppermint Mochas and little girl giggles.
I'm going to tell my little one about a baby in a manger who was the Great Rescuer who came to us. For us.
Then I'm going to live like I mean it. Every word. His gift to us.