Perpetuating the SAHM Stereotype with the Three C's : Cookies, Candles and Celebrity Crushes
We've paired down our clutter by half this summer. Had a garage sale, gave toys away (don't tell my kid I had her Aunt come in the dark of night and abscond discarded toys from the lonely corner on the front porch). I think we've been doing pretty good with the whole, non-consumer thing.
But, I mean, there are still things I can LOOOOOVE, right?
When you loooooove something, you get to keep it? That's what all of those terrifying Psychologists on those Hoarding TV shows say.
So, here are a few things I cannot live without right now.
Like, at all.
Like, don't make me give it up or I'll cry in the corner like my dog died.
1. It's no secret that french cooking is an obsess , er, hobby of mine. If I'm allowed a celebrity crush, it's David Lebovitz forever and ever. So, what love child could come of the joining of my favorite chef with my favorite blogger? These cookies. These cookies are the perfect union of everything holy. Jesus would love these cookies. I have stuck to the recipe. I have gently toasted pecans and sprinkled cypress white flake sea salt over the top of each little mound. Oh, and used this- just to be fancy . I may or may not have spooned a bit of dark chocolate gelato over the bottom. You can't take them from me. Well, unless you're a little fairy-type person with pink wings and a top knot and you're not too sneaky but you're so cute it doesn't even matter.

2. We went to New Hampshire on vacation this summer and every year when I return, I mourn the loss of the warm pine smell. I know,I know. Everyone in NJ automatically associates the aroma with a rouge twinkle light and a smoking Christmas tree, but the pine smell has always meant summer and rest to me. While in a little shop in the middle of Moultonborough-no where, I found a pine scented candle that smelled like the forrest and not the Christmas Tree Shop. Thank you, Swan Creek, you've made this New England heart very happy.
3. I put off reading Jen Hatmaker's "Interrupted" because, well, I'm from New Jersey and have a natural bias against all things Texan. Her writing style is so informal it makes the English teacher inside of me want to whack her wrist with a ruler. You can't put y'all on paper. It goes against every code in every book ever written. Which, I think was her point. I ate up every rule breaking, paradigm shifting, feet washing, word.
4. Erin Morgenstern's debute novel, "Night Circus" was the first piece of fiction I've read in TWO YEARS that I couldn't put down. And cried when it was over. I mourned the end. For real. It took two full days to come snap out of it. Read it.
5. These boots. Ok, so, technically, they can't be my favorite because I don't actually own them. Yet. But they would be. Oh how they would be.