Psalm 16, Part 1
There are so many Psalms to choose from I found it impossible to choose one. But, it's been a goal of mine to begin memorizing more Scripture (so I don't have to drop my tantrumming kid to grab my Bible) this year, and the Psalms are, at least to me, the easiest place to start.
I'm not sure why I settled on Psalm 16. I didn't hear a sermon about, I don't think. I'm pretty sure it wasn't one that was texted to me by one of my friends, worried about my lack of communication with my Creator :) But it has spoken to me in breadth and depth over the last few weeks that I'm almost unable to explain it. Almost. It is the one I've chosen to commit to memory, because it sets the tone for my morning, my afternoon and my evening. It speaks to my tendencies and to my longings. I wish I knew what a miktam was, as I did a little light research and no one's really all that positive, but I feel like it's something David and I could have shared.
Outlined below is Part 1 of how I've memorized Psalm 16- how I pray through it, how I meditate on it. And how the burying of God's words in my heart, into my being has changed me.
1 Preserve me, Oh God, for YOU are my refuge
Not my husband's embrace, the advice of my friends, the dependence on research, my bank account, my independence, my house, my writing, my music, my family or food but YOU and YOU are alone are the one who PRESERVES me and gives me refuge.
2 I say to the Lord, "You are my Lord, I have no good apart from you."
I choose to make God the Lord in my life by saying it aloud- and by doing so, denounce all other things I have made Lord over me in the past such as fear, anxiety, money, status, entitlement, self-pity, worldly success, etc.
3 And as for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight
How am I in my relationships with others? Do I walk side by side with them? How do I feel about them, really? If someone were to ask them, would they feel as though I thought they were the "excellent ones"? Is all of my delight in the joy of walking with God's people, or is it in other things that have no heavenly value?
4 The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply; their drink offerings of blood I will not pour out or take their names on my lips.
When I am overwhelmed with worries about finances or direction, I am running after another god. My blood is poured out for them, I am drained of energy and strength. Christ requires no blood sacrifice, that's why he died. If I am bleeding, it is not for him. I want my sorrows to end and be steadfast like David- to never take their names upon my lips.
5 The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot
God is my chosen portion- just as I choose a portion of food, I need to CHOOSE him and believe that he is enough. But He is not just my portion, but the one who holds my portion together. Without Him, I would be unable to hold onto anything- it would just slip through my fingers.
6 The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance
Despite my failings, I am the daughter of the most High God. I wear his colors. I catch His eye. I have a more beautiful inheritance than I can even wrap my brain around. I am beloved. Treasured. Spoken for. Fought for. Died for. If I could only live with my inheritance in mind, and not my earthly circumstances.
Part 2 to follow:)