Receive Good Gifts with Joy!
There are so many conflicting views of the gospel, I imagine it could be so hard to see through them all to find the truth. Some camps swear that God promises health and wealth to those who are faithful. Others stress that God rewards those who suffer- by giving them a ticket to heaven when they die. One glorifies pain as it likens us to Christ, another still stresses that the ease and comfort in which we live are evidence of our hearts standing. I've witnessed people, who as far as I could tell, love God equally, both prosper and suffer in immeasurable amounts. But, believe it or not, that's not exactly what this post is about.
This year has been hard. It's been harder still, because I remember sitting at the computer at about this time of year last year, and thinking the exact same thing. I remember thinking ahead to the year 2012 and wishing and praying for certain that it would be better than 2011. In some ways, it has been. In others, it most certainly has not. But today, for no special reason at all, I felt assaulted by the goodness and gracious of Jesus. And if you haven't stopped reading yet because the above statement didn't freak you out and send you running, I'll tell you what I'm sure He wanted me to know today.
For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.
He reminded me that we will suffer. It's true. The decision to walk out your life as a Christian (and in certain circles, maintain even a modicum of intellectual integrity) is difficult. But we will not suffer because He likes to see us suffer. In fact, it grieves His heart. It grieved His heart to watch me cry yesterday, not because my situation was outside of His control, but because my despair concerning certain circumstances revealed that I didn't really believe He was good. I suffer more often because I choose it- willingly or unwillingly at times, I choose to believe that I am bigger than God and nothing but suffering and despair can come from that.
But, he doesn't always call us to suffer. The life of a believer is often marred by stereotypes, studded with cheap grace or unyielding law. It is neither. Yes, sometimes it is hard. But there are more blessings than sufferings. You may struggle to make the mortgage your whole life. You may never become the teacher/doctor/lawyer you thought you would. You may never own a villa in Tuscany, a condo in Miami or a VW bus to tour the west coast. (Darn). But that doesn't mean that our blessings don't outnumber our sufferings. Because we never have to face anything alone. Because we have a Father who's in charge.
"See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 2 Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears[a] we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. 3 And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure."
I'm God's kid. He digs me. I'm allowed to say that, with actual confidence. He genuinely likes me. Yesterday, my Father-in-law took our car with a dead battery and returned it with a brand new one, refusing to let me pay for it, without even mentioning the fact that he had had other plans for the day that were much more fun sounding than sitting in my dirty car at the mechanic's. That's what God does for us. Changes our battery and refuses to let us pick up the bill.
I was struck today with the blessings we've been given. God used everything in my path to scream with joy how much He loves me. My kid's pigtails. Her smile and wave, kiss and "I yuv you, Mama". The way she ate chicken soup and french fries and chocolate pudding at the diner for lunch with my Mom, proclaiming after every bite- "Dis so yummy!". My running car. My brand new scarf from my sister with a map of the UK right on it. My healing foot. And then I thought about this Christmas season, about when we give gifts, how we wish the recipient would react. Wouldn't it be awesome if they jumped up and down and ran over to give you a thousand hugs and kisses because of how thrilled they were? I often think we would should be demure in our accepting of God's gifts- because we don't really deserve them anyway. It's guilt and shame that mars the gift. I'm certain that's not what God wants.
Yes, we suffer. But not all the time. God gives good gifts. Receive them with joy today! Jump up and down. Tell a friend how thankful you are. Let it sink into your heart. Allow yourself to be thankful- really thankful. No, we don't deserve it. Yes, we will suffer. BUT we always have hope. Take it and use it.