>Snow Days

I'm not sure why, but I'm not an excitable person. Â I mean, I think I'm relatively happy most of the time, but it's in a reserved kind of way. Â I'm not prone to dancing happy jigs, squealing in unnatural octaves, clapping my hands. Â
I greet Christmas with a deep breath and a sly smile. Â Birthdays? Â Shy and averted. Â Anniversaries are a brilliant mixture of heart-felt cards, really good food and a few loving glances. Â But, Snow Days? Â Snow Days are a different story.
There's something completely magical about a snow day that truly compares with nothing else.  It's as if God had decided to turn the entire world a different color just for me and had informed my place of work about the importance of my ability to capture every second of it uninterupted.  And I do.  I literally set up shop in front of my big bay window with a cup of coffee (the second pot brewing, because I have time to actually enjoy it) put a pot of soup on to simmer and just watch the sky.  Snow Days are  big, bright packages of restful sanity.  You can't go anywhere.  You have to reach Wolfgang Puck status in creativity with whatever's remaining in your fridge.  You must clean behind the bookcase, because, when else are you going to be home all day?  The new bubble bath gleaming on the side of the tub is calling your name. Â
But, my favorite kind of snow day? Â This one. Â The anticipation of waiting for the snow to fall. Â The Christmas with the Rat Pack album on rotation. Â The ingredients for Mocha Crinkle Christmas cookies spread all over my kitchen table. Â The sweet scents of cinnamon emanating from my bread maker, already working on that cinn-raisin-honey bread I'll be eating hot with butter for lunch with some soul-warming chicken soup. Â The guitar silently whispering that it's about time we spent some time together. Â The christmas lights twinkling on the tree that consumes my entire dining room. Â The fact that my students are all giggling about how they got out of taking their test on Animal Farm today. Â Good for them. Â I'm giggling, too, thinking how I got out of grading their Animal Farm test.
Snow Days are magic. Â Plain and simple. Â It's the reassurance that God can do amazing things. Â Things beyond your comprehension. Â Things that will dazzle and excite you. Â Because He loves you. Â Â Because you're worth it to Him. Â
When you were in school, how did you spend your snow days?