>The Emergency

(taken from www.smittenkitchen.com)
If you've been pregnant, you know that there are several occasions that could be considered, "The Emergency", aside from the obvious delivery day. Everything's heightened to red alert when you're carrying another human being. A trip to the bathroom simply can't be put off. Sitting down cannot be postponed. And when the inhuman hunger strikes, you must eat. And you must eat now. Or you might die. Or someone will die. Like, whoever is standing in the way between you and the closest form of nourishment. Morning/Afternoon/Evening sickness has taught me well how to read the hunger "Emergency" before it, in fact, becomes a "puke all over the kitchen floor" emergency and these little, handy snacks have been privately dubbed by me as, "The Pregnant Emergency Bar".
I'm a food blog stalker, and I've mentioned several times before that my all-time favorite blog to haunt is www.smittenkitchen.com. Deb's candid banter, simple recipes and delicious pictures of both her food and her toddler never cease to bring a smile to my day and some new inspiration for dinner. My sister-in-law and I have been making these granola bars http://smittenkitchen.com/2010/02/thick-chewy-granola-bars/ for almost exactly a year now, and though we vary in ingredient preferences ( she swears by peanut butter and pretzels, I love almond butter and shredded coconut- alright, and the occasional chocolate chip) we both conclude that are the most fabulous, homemade snack we've come across. A delightful, lifesaving discovery since pregnancy has been uncovering their magical powers to stop, "The Emergency" dead in it's tracks as well.
The combination that I've found works the best for, "The Emergency" has been: Dried Cherries/or Cranberries Shredded, Toasted Coconut Toasted Almonds Sunflower seeds Almond Butter Honey Maple Syrup (in place of the 2 TBS of Corn Syrup) And, "the occasional chocolate chip or two"
But, obviously, you can use whatever you like or have in your pantry.