These are a few of my Favorite Things
Before summer begins officially (which, as a high school teacher, means not until the last day of school although I've been home for months now) I thought I would include a running list of a few things that make me happy. Because, it's Friday. And Friday's never lose their hopefulness, even when I'm not working. Oh, and because I have good taste.
1. Due to my post baby body, I'm constantly on the lookout for clothing that's both cute and will fit continually as I fluctuate sizes. I do not own these pants, but I will. And I will wear them everyday of my life. That's a promise.
2. Peonies are my new favorite flower. They just scream summer, don't you think? Feel free to bring me some when you visit.
3. I'm tired of hiding under more socially acceptable flavors like coffee and mint chocolate chip. Blame it on my New England roots, but Maple Walnut is, hands down, my favorite ice cream of all time. There. I said it.
4. This smells like morning snuggles. The adorable onesie with the blue octopi. "Blankey". It's my new favorite smell.
5. Well, my first,new favorite smell. This is my second. Since a European vacation is out of the question this summer, why not smell Parisian? Well, not hot-and-sweaty-public transportation Parisian. Musky, sexy Parisian with hints of lavender fields and madeleines dipped in honey. Yup. That kind of Parisian.
6. I had to take a break for a little while. I listened to him so much I was starting to convince myself that I had to take up surfing as a pastime and I hate the ocean. But, this song was something Rich and I would always sing to each other, and therefore, we wanted our daughter to know it so she can have her gag reflex perfected by time she's thirteen. And, really, what's more summer than Jack? [youtube=]
7. Riesling. In large, perspiring wine glasses. Preferably on my patio. Maybe, if I'm feeling generous, sharing the bottle with a friend. Only to be one-upped by a deliciously pricey Sancerre. Alas, as a one income family right now, I'll have to settle for the Riesling. Poor me. My life is so hard.
8. When I woke up this morning, my nose was cold underneath my down comforter. The windows were all wide open. The sun was streaming in from the hallway. It smelled like coffee. If it stayed 63 degrees all summer long, that would be my favorite.
9. Reading my favorite children's books to my daughter- while she screams incomprehensibly, of course. Don't worry, we don't read this one. (No matter how much I would like to, at times).
10. Two words. Ellie Grace. Forever and ever. Amen.
Happy Friday!