Weekday Update
My child. Oh, my child. She is a funny, funny little thing. In the last few days I have slept a little, panicked a little, dust-busted a lot, and other non-romantic things. But, since you seem to enjoy the hum-drum of my little life, I'll share some things about the little human that runs my life.
In the last few days, Ellie has:
1. Decided that she needed to be much more advanced than other babies and since Mama and Papa haven't really slept in over a year, why start now with FIVE teeth coming in? Everything in her crib is covered in drool and Hylands teething gel. Though I'm not sure why. It's not like she sleeps in it.
2. Graduated to the "big people" bathtub where she delights in the running water, and loves to swim, underwater, on her belly. Nope. not joking. Perhaps we're raising an Olympian. Helllllloooo scholarship.
3. Declared, quite vocally, that baby food is for, well, babies. And since she's a whopping 16 and a half pound 13 year old stuck in a baby's body, she will only consume things she can feed herself, which varies day to day. It has most recently been chicken, cheese quesadillas, blueberries, cherrios and an occasional shred of cheddar. Don't even try to sneak one past the goalie on a spoon....she spits it out and shakes her head with disgust.
4. Walked the entire length of the ottoman while holding on and has perfected the furniture transfer. Must. Get. Baby gate. Stat.
5. Discovered a love of watching fish swim at the local Petco- or, the "free zoo" for those of us stay-at-home type people-and tries to catch the yellow ones.
6. Repeated every noise you make. Every single one. She tests out new consonants, mimicks facial expressions and claps heartily for Angelina Ballerina.
7. Read incessantly. Which means my throat is hoarse from all the accents and different voices she requires to be entertained. I gotta say, though, all this practice and I do a pretty mean French pea if I do say so myself.
And, there you have it folks. Bet your day's not half as exciting:)