Zephaniah 3:17
Ellie's a wailer. When you get her going, like it's 20 minutes passed feeding time or she's wet and you haven't noticed, or you're taking a little too long to change her, she is quick to let you know. It starts out as a squeak here and there and then crescendo's into a raspy, Demi Moore-like strangled sob that morphs into a full blown wail. When this happens, the only thing that will stop the madness is to cuddle her close to your neck and sing to her. Anything. My kid's pretty eclectic. She's been soothed the last few days by thirteenth century hymns, Paul McCartney, Tom Petty, Rosie Thomas, some originals by her Mama and anything else her Dad and I can remember the lyrics to at 3 a.m. It reminds me of one of my favorite verses:
"The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."
When Ellie gets all wound up, her Dad reminds her that she's not alone. Her little body relaxes when held by his big, strong frame. Then, he tells her how beautiful she is and how much he loves her. And then, commences the Beatles tribute.
As I listened to him last night it struck me how this model was a Godly one- what Rich does for Ellie is exactly what God does, or wants to do for us. If we let him.
I'm beginning to see new ways and reasons why God is called, "Father" and am finding that being a mother simply reinstates my need for the ultimate parent, to guide, protect and nurture me. Amazing how God works that out.