Who would you be if you stopped producing? Your same beautiful self! It seems we were brought up in the same awful lie of productivity with a healthy sprinkling of perfectionism. What if the goal is not to keep producing, but to enjoy what you’ve already produced? What if resting IS productive? I’m out here exploring with you, and it’s a helpful reminder that I’m not alone.

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Resting IS productive! At least- I know this, intellectually. I am working on the practical application part. 💛

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Came here to say that this post is evidence you're doing it right. Might not feel like it, but you are.

Have you ever read A Circle of Quiet by Madeleine L'Engle? If you haven't, it's exactly what you need right now. Trust me.

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Thank you! Circle of Quiet never leaves my bedside table. What a great recommendation.

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You without creativity would eat you alive. You're still creating, maybe just not in the same way and that's ok. One foot in front of the other. You are enough! More than enough! Creativity seeps from your pores even when you don't recognize it as it's always been.

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