Appreciate the book recs! Appreciate your reminders to be present in the now. Future Mandy will be grateful, too!

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Yah! Let me know if you read any of them and find them to be as valuable as I did.

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Yeah!!! I’m so glad. Kendra Adachi also has a great podcast. It’s worth checking out. 💛

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Love this, relate too much. Sidenote, point #3, as someone who has been there far too much... my own journey has taught me that what I thought was OCD is, when accented by rigidity/B&W thinking in particular, much more emblematic of ASD. Getting diagnosed as being on the spectrum has made so many things make a lot more sense and given me many more tools to try, helpful lenses to switch to. Trouble is, getting diagnosed as an adult is difficult and blasted expensive; reading up on it and learning more about the condition from others who have it was a lot more helpful in practice, and that comes free on the internet. Sharing in the event any of this helps you feel seen/supported a little more!

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I needed this today, friend. It made me reflect on the fact that right now, deep in the HARD, I am less anxious and more "productive" than I have been in some time, as though I have no space to spin stories about what the future might hold... I'm just getting shit done. Thank you for this- it illuminated something that I'm happy to be gazing at right now. ♥️

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We're getting shit done, friend. And with all you having spinning, you still somehow manage to make it beautiful.

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