Sitemap - 2011 - Jenny Vanderberg Shannon
Turkey Brine, Out of of Time, Things that Rhyme
"You Are What You Believe You Are"- C.S. Lewis
Happy-Not-Throwing-Up Thanksgiving to Me!
Berries, Blessings and the Blues
Dear Santa, get on that will you?
Dear Dr. Ferber, Dr. Sears, and all other Supposed Sleep Experts
In the last few weeks, I've cried
Adventures in Precarious Cake Baking
The Secret Life of a High School Teacher
Dear Barbara Streisand, with Love
Earthquakes, Hurricanes and Beach Days
Stream-of-Consciousness Tuesday
Christian Music Clarifications
Proverbs 31:10-11 : The Heart of the Matter
Marriage and Parenthood: The Grieving Allowance
Plugs, Shout-outs and Outward Expressions of Awesomeness: Installment #2
Plugs, Shout-outs and Outward Expressions of Awesomeness: Installment #1
The Weighting Game: The Truth About Pre, During and Post Pregnancy Pounds
It's hard to be Gifted: Super-human Parent Powers
Writing, Writing and more Writing
And, the World's Worst Mom Award Goes to...
Exerting Control over your Child's Musical Choices: A Satire. Maybe.
These are a few of my Favorite Things
A Day in the Life of Ellie Grace
Dear Stay-At-Home Mother: A Written Apology
Things I Never Thought I'd Do (Before I had a Kid)
Mom's Bed, Jane's Couch, Patty's Table